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Leadership Reflection: Solitude Transforms Your Life and Career

When was the last time you truly stepped back from the demands of work, family, and life? Have you ever been so caught up in your responsibilities that you ignored the quiet signals your soul sent you? For many leaders, the constant push forward becomes the norm, but what happens when we don’t pause and reflect?

Last month, I decided to step away from the noise. I attended a Soul Care retreat with CBMC Midwest at the Red Rock Guest Ranch in Soldier, Kansas, led by Sean West. This retreat wasn’t about gaining more knowledge or learning new strategies. It was about solitude, silence, and prayer—a time to slow down and allow God to speak into my life. In this post, I want to share what I learned from this experience and how these moments of quiet reflection can help you, as a leader, realign with your purpose and move forward with clarity.

The Importance of Slowing Down

In our fast-paced world, slowing down feels counterproductive. We’re told that success comes from pushing harder, doing more, and constantly striving for the next goal. But what if actual growth comes not from adding more to our plates but from creating space for God to speak? The Soul Care retreat reminded me of how necessary this is.

We didn’t fill our time with workshops or lectures at the retreat. Instead, we embraced the beauty of silence and stillness, allowing time for prayer and reflection. In those quiet moments, I examined my leadership, my relationships, and my walk with God. It gave me clarity that I didn’t realize I was missing. Sometimes, when we step back and listen, we hear God’s voice louder than ever.

As a leader, stepping back and taking time for intentional reflection is essential. Slowing down allows you to see the bigger picture, realign with your values, and hear God’s calling more clearly.

Personal Growth Through Solitude

The most profound lesson I learned during the retreat was how solitude can be transformative. In a world constantly surrounded by noise—whether it’s from work, family, or the endless notifications on our phones—solitude offers a chance to reset. It’s an opportunity to reflect deeply on where we are and where God is leading us.

In those moments of solitude, I found the space to reflect on my journey as a leader and a follower of Christ. I could see areas of my life that needed realignment, and I was reminded of the importance of nurturing my relationship with God. As leaders, we are often so focused on leading others that we forget to care for our souls. But just as Jesus sought solitude in the wilderness, we, too, need time away from the noise to recharge and grow.

Solitude is not about isolation—it’s about connection. By stepping away from distractions, we create room for personal and spiritual growth, allowing us to lead with greater purpose and clarity.

Clarity and Leadership

One of the most surprising gifts of the retreat was the clarity it brought to my leadership. In the stillness, I could reflect on how I had been leading my team, my family, and myself. I realized that while pushing forward, I hadn’t taken enough time to pause and assess whether I was on the right path.

This time of reflection has allowed me to recalibrate and set my sights on what truly matters. It reminded me that leadership is not just about constant action—it’s about discernment, knowing when to move and when to wait. In those moments of waiting, of listening to God, we often find the direction we need.

Leadership isn’t just about doing—it’s about being intentional with our actions. Taking time for reflection and clarity allows us to lead with wisdom and align our work with God’s purpose.

The Call to Rest and Reflect

If you’re overwhelmed by the demands of leadership, family, or life, I encourage you to step back and carve out time for solitude. It doesn’t have to be a weekend retreat (though I highly recommend it). It could be as simple as setting aside an hour each morning for quiet reflection and prayer. You’ll find clarity, purpose, and the strength to move forward in those moments.

Next Steps:

  • Join me in January 2025: I’ll be returning to the Soul Care retreat at the Red Rock Guest Ranch. I’d love to see you there if you feel called to experience this kind of deep reflection.
  • Carve out time for solitude: Whether it’s through daily quiet time or a weekend getaway, make intentional time to reflect on your life and leadership.
  • Reflect on your leadership: Ask yourself, “Am I aligned with God’s calling for my life?” Take the time to recalibrate and listen to where He is leading you.


As leaders, we often focus on what we can do, but the most significant growth comes when we allow ourselves to pause and listen. My experience at the Soul Care retreat reminded me that solitude, silence, and reflection are essential for personal and spiritual growth. In these moments, we find clarity and realign with God’s calling for our lives.

So, I ask you—how do you make time for solitude and reflection in your life? I’d love to hear from you. Let’s start a conversation and explore how we can create more space for God to guide our leadership.

Call to Action: